Sunday, April 02, 2006

YOU are Everything

Ladies... I want to encourage you with a few words that a friend emailed to me the other day.

You are beautiful.
You are the apple of His eye.
You are His princess, His Bride.
You are all things good, as you were created in His image.
You are on a God-blessed journey to the heavens!

We often don't believe these [very true] words about ourselves. It's easy to see them in others, but the enemy tells us these words can't define you. Yet, we know it's the enemy... and we know it's nothing but lies. Cold, dark, ugly lies. But still, we take them as truth. We all have those certain lies we fall into believing... what are they?

Confession: the biggest lie I'm told... "You're not worth running after. You're worthless. You're not worth sticking around for."

I was watching a movie called "Pay it Forward" (watch it if you've never seen it). Towards the middle of the film, a woman is standing on the top of a bridge, ready to commit suicide. A homeless man comes running up to her pleading that she not jump... it went something like this...

Man: "Please! Come down from there! Don't do it, please!"
Woman: "Get away! Don't try to help me... I'm not worth it!"
Man: "'re not worth it?... What do you mean you're not worth it?"
Woman: "I'm not worth it! Trust me... you wouldn't understand."
Man: "... but I do understand... I live in this messed up world and I'm treated like garbage... please... take my hand. Come have a cup of coffee with me... don't do this... please."

When you're standing up on your bridge wanting to jump... believing the lies... God says "Take My hand... I do understand. I was mocked, beaten, killed... because to Me, you are everything. Walk away from the lies and just come have a cup of coffee with me. Please."

So I plead with you... smash these lies. Because you know what? God says you're so much more; more than I can express to you. Crush the lies. Run from the lies. It's a daily battle... daily... but when you know the truth about yourself, what HE thinks of you and how HE made you, the lies can't help but flee. His power is stronger. Light is brighter than darkness.

So again, hear her words to me. Hear me say them to you. Hear GOD say them to you.

You are beautiful.
You are the apple of His eye.
You are His princess, His Bride.
You are all things good, as you were created in His image.
You are on a God-blessed journey to the heavens!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

... and it's TRUE ...

Anonymous said...

YOU are wonderful darlin'. thank you for the sweet words. i can't get over how amazing you are and how much our lord has touched your heart. you have grown beautifully in the lord over the years, but expecially this past year. wow. so why hasn't some boy snatched you up yet? don't worry my love, that beautiful man, whoever he is, will enter into your life in god's perfect timing. lucky man he will be.

i send my love to you from the coast!! mwah!

Justin Wise said...

Heck with being for ladies....
Men need to hear that too....

We just won't admit it all the time :)

And it's true.


Jackie said...

I totally agree. It's for dudes as well; we ALL need to hear it.

The moment I wrote this post I specfically felt I needed to call out all my ladies... but again, I totally agree with you. Men need to hear this just as much as women do.

So dudes...
You are beautiful [handsome if you will].
You are the apple of His eye.
You are His prince[ss], His Bride.
You are all things good, as you were created in His image.
You are on a God-blessed journey to the heavens!