Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sweetly Broken

Sweetly Broken
To the cross I look,
to the cross I cling
Of its suffering I do drink
Of its work I do sing
For on it my Savior both bruised and crushed
Showed that God is love
And God is just
At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees,
and I am
Lost for words,
so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken,
wholly surrendered.
What a priceless gift,
undeserved life
Have I been given
Through Christ crucified
You’ve called me out of death
You’ve called me into life
And I was under Your wrath
Now through the cross I’m reconciled
In awe of the cross I must confess
How wondrous Your redeeming love and
How great is Your faithfulness
At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees,
and I am
Lost for words,
so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken,
wholly surrendered.

This song is beautiful. The LORD captured my heart with the lyrics... sweetly broken. Oh how incredible that is! To know that when we have been broken, it can be sweet... Sweet because GOD is the One who allows us to break! Brokenness is incredible! You know it is truly HIM when joy and peace and confidence and comfort fill the dents and the cracks of the broken pieces within us.

When, though you know your heart has not fully been mended yet, you find yourself getting lost in Yeshua's beautifully overwhelming Love. When Joy is all that you are able to feel. When, you would have imagined yourself falling heavily into dark depression because of the revealed brokenness, the Light is so bright that even when you look, you can't find any darkness. When you know that you have wholly surrendered yourself to HIM, and your heart is ready for healing, even when you know that it's not going to be easy. When GOD's smile overtakes your face and you cannot rid yourself of it. When all you want to do is, as a friend of mine says, "suck carpet" before the LORD.

Now that's beauty.

That's being...

Sweetly Broken.

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