Tuesday, July 05, 2005

reality check

a few things i've learned since being overseas...

1.) take advantage of the free condiments at fast food restaurants
2.) fabric softener is wonderful
3.) ask people if they want to hear the 1 minute, 15 minute, or 1 hour version of how your trip was before answering the question "how was your trip?!" because most likely, they don't care
4.) saying "water" actaully gets you water and not that bubbly crap
5.) knowing what i'm ordering to eat off a menu is amazing
6.) it's important not to hang out in huge groups right when you get home... you emotions will run around crazy
7.) euro shoes are amazingly cute, but they hurt your feet like hades
8.) you haven't seen a metrosexual until you go to eastern europe
9.) in europe, guys are way too touchy feely as they walk by girls on the street
10.) romania has cats like the states have squirrels
11.) chicago drivers are extremely safe/slow compared to romanians
12.) gypsy's are most beautiful people in the world
13.) hot water is a beautiful thing
14.) americans are fat, lazy, spoiled, and absolutely ridiculous
15.) it's better to eat your big meal of the day during lunch time
16.) when in europe... girls: if you want to get a guy, tell him you play soccer; guys: if you want to get a girl, tell her you're from america
17.) i hate PDA more than ever
18.) enlglish is a hideous language but for some reason everyone wants to learn it
19.) europeans love america, but hate americans
20.) no humidity is a gift from God
21.) deodorant is also a gift from God
22.) american music videos, magazines, and posters/ads are squeeky clean compared to europes
23.) i love walking
24.) there actually are stars in the sky... lot's of them too

just a little preview of the small things learned.

but continuing on about #2: fabric softener... you don't realize what a blessing this stuff is until you don't have it. imagine picking up your favorite t-shirt, excited to wear a nice clean top, but then as you begin to put your arms through it, you begin to feel like thorns are gashing into your wrists and elbows, tearing your skin open. then you slowly push your head through the top opening, where you feel like your whole face is being scratched off into the inside of the shirt, and you bite your lip in order not to scream in pain. and then you finally pull the shirt down over your back, chest, and stomach, in hopes that you aren't bleeding profusely, and that blood stains have not ruined your shirt.

thank you Jesus for fabric softener.

ps - i'd like to make a shout out to the vice president of the G.A.M.N. club. ;-)

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