Tuesday, July 26, 2005

ha... haha

today i was (and still am) in one of the weirdest moods i've been in in a long, long time. all day, i found myself talking in weird voices, breaking out into solo dance sessions, and busting into laughter over... umm.. nothing... and you know what? i've loved every minute of it. i love that i am weird. i love that i can become a huge dork and make a fool out of myself and not care. i love that i can find joy in making fun of myself. but most of all... i love that God is weird.

let me explain...

the Father created boogers, farting, the platapus, will ferrell... how could the one who came up with these things not be weird and hilarious?? i can just picture Him...

"let's see... oooh! I know! how about that when My people need to release some gas from their bodies, it comes out of their butts in a plethera of noises and smells!? perfect!"

genius i tell you, genius. i can see God's sense of humor everywhere i look (especially today...). the Lord wants us to see His humor and know that He's definitely up for having a good time. He doesn't want us sitting around starring at blank walls all day... as tempting as that sounds, i think i'd rather witness someone shoving their finger in their nose, slowly pulling it out, eyeing their finger for a moment, and then placing their newly found treasure inside of their mouth.


immature? maybe... or maybe not. the definition of immature is as follows: a.) lacking complete growth, differentiation, or development; b.) exhibiting less than an expected degree of maturity

who's to say what's mature and immature? i believe there is definitely times to be more serious (such as in the workplace), but why not be a nutcase every now and then? God created humor because He's weird and wants us to find the joy in being weird as well.

have you ever met a nonweird person?... they're... boring... and difficult to be around...

my challenge for y'all this week: GO AND BE WEIRD. laugh out loud at things that you may not want to admit are funny... have a dance party when you hear *nsync being played on the radio... laugh at yourself when you completely biff it while walking through the mall... giggle during awkward moments and when someone asks "what's so funny?", continue giggling... act like a total goof and enjoy it. while you do this, continue to praise the Lord and thank Him for being even more nutty than you. thank Him for having a sense of humor... and thank Him for making life...

absolutely hilarious.

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