Thursday, September 29, 2005


is it bad that i think protestors are... let's say... ridiculous?

i couldn't help but laugh when i drove by kfc this afternoon, where 5 people stood outside marching back and forth, waving their signs, telling no one to eat from kfc ever again. not to mention, some dude dressed in a chicken suit sat there holding a sign with a picture of a chicken about to get it's head cut off.

i cracked up... it was ridiculous and it reminded me that i think protesting is, again, ridiculous.

i myself am not a religious kfc eater, and nor do i think their food is good. also, like these animal rights activists, i too love animals... but when it comes to chickens, cows, pigs... kill 'em all you want cause that just means i have some meat to eat.

sure, there are definitely things that are probably worth protesting, but kfc...? c'mon guys...

at least protest something that has some sort of value to life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you visit the website on the guys sign in your picture ( it's all about "people for the ethical treatment of animals". So the KFC protestors just might be more than you think. Here's some info I saw in articles about this - it's hard to say (for meat-eaters) how important this issue is, but it's something to think about in regards to the way we value ALL life no matter how simplistic it may be...

In July 2004, PETA revealed the results of an investigation into a KFC-supplying slaughterhouse in Moorefield, West Virginia, where workers were caught on video stomping on chickens, kicking them, and violently slamming them against floors and walls.

PETA is asking KFC to eliminate the worst abuses that chickens suffer on the factory farms and in the slaughterhouses of its suppliers, including live scalding, life-long crippling, and painful debeaking. The more than 850 million chickens killed each year for KFC are tortured in ways that would result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges if cats or dogs were the victims, but KFC still refuses to make changes.