Thursday, November 09, 2006

Progress (My) beloved

"I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the LORD says..."

Children... you have stepped into a season of progression. Put aside what you know and prepare for things that are unexplainable to your human understanding. It is time to leave what you know and be immersed into what you do not know. Let no fear capture your attention, for that is only the enemy pressing up against you, hoping to distract you from the words that I have for you. He presses himself up against you whispering lies and false knowledge, but you will know when I speak; My words will be known because you have heard Me in the past, but don't expect to hear Me the way you have before... for My words will come to you in a way that you do not expect, and at first you will be uncertain if you have heard Me. Do not question My voice. Give me your heart... when you do, words will stream over you like a flowing river and no doubt will enter your mind.

I see the tears that fall from your eyes, and the worry that you hold in your heart, but My child, release it. Hand it over to me and dwell on your fears no more. Again, you stand in a season of progression, which calls for you to move forward... advance into My Spirit. I Am waiting for you to trust Me and recognize the courage instilled in you. I have many great things I want to speak... I have many things I want to show... in order to hear and see these things, again, child you must move forward. You must progress in My Spirit. Do not try to understand, for your human mind cannot grasp what I have in store... but instead wait. Instead children, I ask you to just believe and wait expectantly. You will begin to see things you have never seen before, and feel things that are foreign to you. I am blowing my breath over your home preparing you for My Goodness that is coming. No human will be able to understand the Power that is to come, but you will know it is Me. Others will find excuses and come to conclusions that make sense to the world, but do not listen. They are not My children and have said 'no' to me, but you know, for you are Mine beloved.

Let your mind be transformed... do not question Me and My power... again, do not question Me for I Am God. Progress beloved; progress into Me and only Me. It is time...

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