Monday, July 10, 2006

No Fear

A friend and I were talking last night about the big dreams and visions for our lives.

It's amazing how many of these big dreams GOD has planted within each of us. But something we realized is that they're all incredibly unrealistic according to the world. We know that through Jesus anything is possible... what is impossible for man is possible through Christ... but then why are we still sitting around only dreaming about these visions?

Are they truly just that, only dreams?

My friend talked about one of his dreams being to open a 24/7 prayer center somewhere... that ain't just a dream. That's GOD. That's big. That's definitely a GOD-sized dream. The LORD has planted that seed deep within my friends heart... and I'm excited to hear about his passion for that vision. But he's stuck on what to do with it.

As for myself, for a while now I've had a dream of selling almost everything I own, packing up a car, traveling to each state spending 2 weeks in a specifically prayed out city, with the intensions of meeting people and pouring out Christ's love on them. In no way am I talking tracks... yes, sharing the gospel would (will) occur, but only when GOD speaks His Words through me. This can't just be a dream... it seems too big. Selling all of my stuff?! Dang. As of right now, I can honestly say that it would be extremely difficult for me to do that, but I pray that if this truly is a GOD-sized dream, my heart will one day be more than willing to give away everything I own. I do long for that day...

It seems that our hesitations to chase after these visions, come down to one thing: fear.

Fear of failure. Fear of disappointment. Fear of being wrong. Fear of being alone. Fear of not being provided for. Fear of death.


We live in the greatest country in the whole world. I'm not trying to be some ignorant proud American, but seriously... the US is freaking awesome. Overall, we have pretty easy lives. We have freedom that a lot of other countries don't have. We're able to talk about Jesus in public. Carry around a Bible. We can wear whatever we want (which by the way isn't always a good thing...). We can get an education. We can travel to almost anywhere we want. All this stuff is great, but is it hindering us from going forth with our "unrealistic dreams"; our GOD-sized dreams? You'd think that because of this freedom we have, we'd run after anything and everything our hearts desire, but instead we've become consumed with being realistic and reasonable. Everything has to make sense and have a formula. We have forgotten Who our Creator is. We have forgotten what He is capable of. We care too much about what other people think of us. We care too much about money and material items. We only care about ourselves... we have to make sure that WE are going to be alright.

We're scared to step out and do something that puts another person first. We're scared to step out and do something that may not be stable. We're scared to let our family and friends down. We're scared to walk in a direction where the end result isn't clear.

So I ask you this...

What would you do if you had no fear?

Stop for a second and seriously think about the things you would do. GOD has planted those "crazy" dreams in you for a reason... but we're too scared. Maybe it's not the right time for some of those dreams, but will you ever allow that time to come?

Will you ever one day actually say "yes" to His visions? What is it going to take? How do we get there? What do we have to let go of?

I pray that one day we are able to live the life we were meant to live. To live completely and utterly for Jesus Christ. To stand up in His promises, grasp these dreams that the world tells us are "ridiculous", and run whole heartedly towards GOD with them, screaming "YES!"

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