Wednesday, April 13, 2005

brain crush

i have a brain crush. i've actually had this brain crush for many years now. you might be thinking to yourself, "jackie... what the heck is a brain crush?"

brain crush: a infatuation on a persons mind; nothing of sexual implication or hopefulness for the formation of a relationship; they have many intelligent and wise things to say; purly meant to increase your own knowledge by listening to them speak and/or reading what they write

everytime i read oswald chambers, i am reminded of this brain crush that i have on him. if you aren't aware, oswald chambers is a very famous christian author who died back in 1917. after his death, his wife put together a book called my utmost for His highest, in which it's compiled of many notes of different lectures that chambers gave in the Bible teaching ministry he created. i am astonished in the way that his mind thinks; it continues to remind me that the Holy Spirit is the one who spoke these words through him. if i could sit down and talk with any three people over coffee, chambers would definitely be there... along with justin timberlake and ghandi.

today i was reading in my utmost for His highest and chambers caught my attention (like always) when he said, "the Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in merely one room of the house -- He invades all of it. and once i decide that my 'old man' (that is, my heredity of sin) should be identified with the death of Jesus, the Holy Spirit invades me. He takes charge of everything." if we are desiring to be filled with the Spirit and live our lives for Christ, we must allow Him to be alive in every area of our lives. not just during the week. not just when we go to church. not just when we feel hurt. walking with Christ is a full time job with no 'ifs', 'ands', or 'buts.' if you're going to run with God, then run. we must let Him into the deepest parts of our hearts; He already knows everything, so why not give Him permission to enter?

i wish i was better at this. uncounsiously deep down, i am convinced that i can handle certain things on my own and that i know best. thats crap. by me holding these things, i'm not allowing God to enter into "every room of my house." it's not an easy task. knowing when and how to surrender everything is one of the most complicated things ever. ever.

thanks oswald.

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